Notre partenaire Woollam

Theta-SE Carthographie rapide

Woollam Co.

Le theta-SE est un ellipsomètre spectroscopique presse-bouton pour la caractérisation de l'uniformité des couches minces. Il est doté de toutes les options utiles pour cette application (cartographie d'échantillons de 300 mm, optique de focalisation, caméra d’alignement rapide et la dernière technologie d'ellipsomètre à double rotation).

  • Tout inclus
  • Rapide
  • Compacte
  • Facile à utiliser
  • Abordable

Plus d'informations

The theta-SE comes equipped with 300mm sample mapping, small-spot measurement beam, fast automated sample alignment, look-down camera and our latest Dual-Rotating ellipsometer technology. The theta-SE has everything you need to measure spatial uniformity of your film thickness and optical properties.

Caractéristiques techniques

  • Spectral range: 400 to 1000nm
  • Number of wavelengths (measured simultaneously): 190
  • Detector: CCD
  • Spot size: 250 x 600µm (on sample)
  • Data Acquisition Rate (per measurement spot, entire spectrum): 0.3 sec (fastest), 1-2 sec (typical)
  • Angel of incidence: 65°
  • Data Types: Spectroscopic ellipsometry and advanced g-SE or Mueller Matrix-SE


Optical constants of layers
Thickness of thin films
Homogeneity thickness profile


theta-SE brochure
theta-SE specification
Spectroscopic ellipsometers product overview


Gauthier Caby
Gauthier Caby


Quantum Design S.A.R.L.

1 avenue de l’Atlantique
Bâtiment Mac Kinley
91940 Les Ulis

Tél. :01 69 19 49 49
Gauthier CabyIngénieur Technico-Commercial
01 69 19 49 49
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