Notre partenaire Photonic Cleaning

Red Spray First Contact – Bouteille de 1L


Référence RSFCL : Bouteille de 1000ml de Red Spray First Contact Polymer

Information surface couverte : approximativement 16.000 cm²

Ces bouteilles sont livrées SANS outil d’application ou de retrait (ni spray, ni pinceau applicateur, ni pipette, ni mèche, ni languette, ni fil inerte). Veuillez envisager d'ajouter de tels éléments en supplément, soit en les commandant en supplément soit en les commandant dans des kits complets.

Plus d'informations

Note 1: Sprayable First Contact is less viscous and thinner in order to be sprayable and has less polymer per volume. It is therefore a little less costly for the same volume of liquid, when compared to Regular First Contact, and requires more applications for the same thickness film.

Note 2: We spent weeks and weeks trying dozens of different spray heads and searching for some that would be stable in the First Contact Solvent system. We found three-one in each size. You can get extras under accessories in our store. Other spray heads, such as those from a hardware store or supply house, even "chemically resistant" ones, failed after a couple hours of use. Spray systems other than those provided by us should be considered disposable, single use items.

Note 3: For your convenience, we strongly suggest you order an extra spray head or two if you don't plan on using the entire kit all at once - or, be sure to follow instructions and flush the spray head with the included First Contact Thinner/Solvent.



Quantum Design S.A.R.L.

1 avenue de l’Atlantique
Bâtiment Mac Kinley
91940 Les Ulis

Tél. :01 69 19 49 49
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01 69 19 49 49
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