23. May 2024 online 05:00 PM CEST

Exploring Fluorescence XAS for Battery and Catalyst Research

Sigray is hosting a four part series of webinars on Zoom, featuring an enlightening discussion and results on the range of their products: Quantum Leap XAS, Eclipse XRM, XAS for Battery, Catalyst and Material Research, and Apex Hybrid 200. Starting May 23rd, Sigray will be hosting the first webinar of the series.

It will focus on the demonstration of how Sigray Quantum Leap XAS is used to solve challenging battery and catalyst research in the comfort of your laboratory, including the possibility of running samples in-operando. This upcoming webinar will be led by Dr. Aniruddha Deb, an XAS expert with over two decades of experience on leading XAS experiments with a focus on electrochemistry.

Sigray is planning a 4-part webinar series focused on domain experts in microanalysis and microscopy speaking on breakthrough developments in the x-ray field. 

A preliminary schedule is shown below (subject to change):

Preliminary Schedule

May 23   – Fluorescence XAS / Speaker – Dr. Aniruddha Deb

June 27  – Eclipse XRM / Speaker – Jeff Gelb

Sept 19  – Deeper Dive into X-rays for Battery, Catalyst and Material Research / Speaker – SH Lau

Nov 14 – Apex Hybrid 200 – A revolutionary X-ray Microscopy Intro / Speaker – Jeff Gelb, Sylvia Lewis

Dr. Aniruddha Deb
Research Scientist at Sigray·Sigray, Inc.

Dr. Aniruddha Deb is a Director of X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy at Sigray, Inc. focused on applications development of the QuantumLeap products. Prior to joining Sigray, Dr. Deb had over 25 years of experience in a wide range of synchrotron spectroscopy techniques, including XAS and XES, at SLAC, LBNL, and SPring-8. His research has particularly emphasized the use of XAS in energy science, and he has led the design of an extensive number of in-operando and in-situ electrochemical x-ray spectroscopy experiments.

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Dr. Andreas Bergner
Dr. Andreas Bergner
Event website Sigray webinar series


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