New web catalog for Quantum Design consumables and spare parts

Users of PPMS, MPMS3, MPMS(-XL), VersaLab or DynaCool systems can now get a quotation on the most common spare and service parts without much ado:

Simply go to our new website for common service and spare parts <link internal-link> , check the box next to the desired part(s), enter your contact data and hit send – Voilà! You will receive our quotation as soon as possible. From our main website, go to “Service” and click “Service parts Quantum Design”. Do you like this new feature? We look forward to your comment and suggestions. Help us improve!


Quantum Design s.r.l.

Italy and Israel branch office
Via Francesco Sapori, 27
00143 Roma

Phone:+39 06 5004204
Fax:+39 06 5010389