MPMS3 online user workshop – Save the date!

Things are a little different this year, so we have decided to offer this year’s Quantum Design User Workshop online. For many years, we have been offering these workshops as personal meetings. Every time, we cherished the many inspiring discussions and questions raised by the participants during the sessions, breaks and during the workshop dinner.  

However, we also see the online workshop as a chance. We hope to meet new participants who have always wanted to join and haven’t had a chance so far.  
This year, our topic is the MPMS3. All topics are suited for all users – whether they are rookies or experts in the field. We will discuss topics like fundamentals, sequence optimization, enhanced measurements, maintenance and many more.

Save the date:

The online workshop will take place on 15 and 16 September 2020. The interactive presentations will most likely be held in three two-hour-long sessions. All presentations will be held in English.

Please register here.

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Stephane Struyve
Stephane Struyve


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Quantum Design GmbH

Meerstraat 177
B-1852 Grimbergen

Stephane StruyveSales Manager
+32 495 79 71 75
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