Correlative Microscopy – Raman/AFM/SNOM/SEM

Correlative Microscopy – Raman/AFM/SNOM/SEM - AFSEM - correlative AFM and SEM
AFSEM - correlative AFM and SEM

The AFSEM system enables you to combine the possibilities of your SEM with the capabilities of an atomic force microscopy (AFM). The AFSEM is compatible with most SEM and FIB/SEM systems on the market ...

Correlative Microscopy – Raman/AFM/SNOM/SEM - Chemical and nanoscale imaging system
Chemical and nanoscale imaging system

The well-established Raman-atomic force microscope (AFM) combination alpha300 RA was the first integrated Raman AFM system on the market and continues to set the standard for combined instrument ...

Correlative Microscopy – Raman/AFM/SNOM/SEM - Combined Raman and scanning nearfield optical microscopy (SNOM) system
Combined Raman and scanning nearfield optical microscopy (SNOM) system

For the user with challenging experimental requirements, the alpha300 RS facilitates confocal Raman imaging in combination with scanning near-field optical microscopy (SNOM) for optical imaging with ...

Correlative Microscopy – Raman/AFM/SNOM/SEM - Raman, AFM and SNOM all-in-one system
Raman, AFM and SNOM all-in-one system

The unprecedented all-in-one alpha300 RAS combines Raman, AFM, and SNOM imaging in a single instrument for the utmost flexibility and sophisticated sample characterization. By combining the imaging ...

Correlative Microscopy – Raman/AFM/SNOM/SEM - Correlative Raman imaging and scanning electron microscopy (Raman-SEM)
Correlative Raman imaging and scanning electron microscopy (Raman-SEM)

The world's first fully-integrated Raman imaging and scanning electron microscope (RISE). RISE microscopy is a novel correlative microscopy technique that combines SEM and confocal Raman Imaging. ...

Correlative Microscopy – Raman/AFM/SNOM/SEM - Large area profilometry for topographic Raman imaging
Large area profilometry for topographic Raman imaging

WITec´s award winning TrueSurface Microscopy allows confocal Raman imaging along heavily inclined or very rough samples with the surface held in constant focus while maintaining the highest ...


Quantum Design GmbH

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B-1852 Grimbergen