PPMS-DynaCool – Full steam ahead

Quantum Design’s DynaCool is the right system at the right time. In 2010, the first DynaCool was installed at the University of California, San Diego and has since convinced scientists world-wide. At first sight, DynaCool seems to simply be a new PPMS version. But actually, almost everything about the hardware has been brought up-to-date and made state-of-the-art. At the same time, well-established PPMS options have been implemented as they were.

As a new feature, DynaCool is completely cryogen-free. Both the supraconducting magnet and temperature control of the sample chamber are operated via contact cooling and only a small amount of helium is used in a closed circle. This means the level of automation has been further improved, particularly in reference to the system’s cooling and heating. At the same time, the need for helium gas is reduced.

Nevertheless, the full range of established PPMS options is available. The highly estimated measurement options VSM, heat capacity and electrical and thermal transport were incorporated in the new system and are still available.

An AC susceptibility measurement option (ACMS-II-option) will soon be available.


Customer quote:

“We use the DynaCool system for both electrical measurements (ETO option) and magnetometry (VSM option).

It is in use 24 hours/7 days a week. Most fascinating are the ease-of-use down to 1.8 K and fields of up to ± 9 Tesla.

The system is not only used by experienced scientists but more and more by young students who have no experience in cryotechnology and supraconducting magnets. This way they can concentrate on the physical problems and do not have to struggle with instrumental issues.”

Dr. Görlitz, Hamburg University - Institute für Applied Physics, goerlitz@physnet.uni-hamburg.de

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Stephane Struyve
Stephane Struyve


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