Cameras for EUV, X-ray and high-energy particle detection

For photon energies between 10 eV and 20 keV CCD sensors without micro lens arrays and anti-reflection coating are required. Direct detection of VUV, EUV and soft X-rays occurs by photon absorption and generation of electron hole pairs. Our cameras for high-energy detection provide a solution for almost any energy range and experimental condition. This can be stand-alone operation, indirect detection methods using scintillator screens or vacuum compatible detectors.

Cameras for EUV, X-ray and high-energy particle detection - Direct detection Si and CdTe cameras
Direct detection Si and CdTe cameras

These high energy radiation cameras are made for spectral imaging of X-ray photons. Based on Medipix and Timepix hybrid detector electronics they offer spatial resolution from 256x256 up to 512x1280 ...


Quantum Design GmbH

Meerstraat 177
B-1852 Grimbergen