Polarizer and beamsplitters UV-IR

Polarizer and beamsplitters UV-IR

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ProFlux from Moxtek

Polarized radiation is used in projectors, spectroscopy, medical imaging, head-up displays and military technology. However, the visible (VIS) range used in standard film polarizers is often not adequate or the material does not bear up to the required ... 

Moxtek comparison tool

Use the moxtek comparison tool to easily get a visualized overview of the different properties.

ProFlux from Moxtek

Polarized radiation is used in projectors, spectroscopy, medical imaging, head-up displays and military technology. However, the visible (VIS) range used in standard film polarizers is often not adequate or the material does not bear up to the required irradiance.

ProFlux wire grid polarizers feature aluminum structures that easily withstand temperatures of up to 200 °C (> 5000 h). The structures can be optimized for different wavelengths and, depending on the application, high contrast or high transmission. MOXTEK  from Utah, USA, offer optics for the complete range from 190 nm to 15 µm.

Since the manufacturing process was developed in the projector industry, large quantities, customized solutions, and the delivery of entire assembly groups for OEM customers are possible.

Polarizer and beamsplitters UV-IR - UV polarizers 240 - 400 nm
UV polarizers 240 - 400 nm

ProFlux Nanowire ultraviolet polarizers offer excellent solutions for UV and DUV applications. High transmission and high contrast choices are available. The high transmission products are indicated ...

Polarizer and beamsplitters UV-IR - Visible light polarizers 420 - 700 nm
Visible light polarizers 420 - 700 nm

ProFlux polarizers are designed using Moxtek Nanowire technology to control light and image polarization even in high energy and high temperature applications. Made from highly durable materials, ...

Polarizer and beamsplitters UV-IR - Infrared polarizers 700 - 2500 nm
Infrared polarizers 700 - 2500 nm

The ProFlux BIR series infrared polarizer, designed using Moxtek Nanowire technology, provides unparalleled broadband infrared performance. Moxtek’s high volume production capacity ensures ...

Polarizer and beamsplitters UV-IR - Silicon infrared polarizers 3000 - 15000 nm
Silicon infrared polarizers 3000 - 15000 nm

ProFlux SIR series infrared polarizers provide excellent broadband infrared performance for applications in the 3-12 μm wavelengths. These IR polarizers utilize Moxtek’s unique Nanowire technology, ...

Polarizer and beamsplitters UV-IR - Ultra broadband polarizers
Ultra broadband polarizers

Ultra broadband polarizers are designed to offer an excellent solution for almost any multi-wavelength application. The wide-band characteristics of this polarizer, enables a wide range of products ...

Polarizer and beamsplitters UV-IR - Pixelated polarizers
Pixelated polarizers

Pixelated polarizers are available as two, three and four-state devices for polarimetric imaging. Polarization helps to pull more information from an obscured image to enable clearer imaging. With ...

Polarizer and beamsplitters UV-IR - Inorganic absorptive polarizers
Inorganic absorptive polarizers

These polarizers are compatible with high energy and high temperature environments. Standard ProFlux polarizers are reflective, which limits usage to pre-imager positions in the light engine. Our ABS ...

Polarizer and beamsplitters UV-IR - Wire-grid polarizing beamsplitter plate
Wire-grid polarizing beamsplitter plate

ProFlux beamsplitter Nanowire technology is optimized to operate at 45°, providing durable polarizing beamsplitters. These beamsplitters can be used for a variety of both imaging and non-imaging ...


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B-1852 Grimbergen