Highest speed cameras
Our partner Cordin is the world leader in ultra high speed imaging technology. Depending on the camera system in use frame rates up to 200 000 000 frames per second are possible. Very short integration times and inter frame times are standard. Gated and intensified models are available. Among other modules Cordin offers ultra-high speed camera systems with up to 2000 x 2000 pixel at full frame ...
Our partner Cordin is the world leader in ultra high speed imaging technology. Depending on the camera system in use frame rates up to 200 000 000 frames per second are possible. Very short integration times and inter frame times are standard. Gated and intensified models are available. Among other modules Cordin offers ultra-high speed camera systems with up to 2000 x 2000 pixel at full frame rate in colour or black and white.
Streak camera systems for scientific applications are available and developed with modern technology.
Model 605 is a pulsed Xenon source, ideal for high-speed imaging with highest frame rates. It provides even intensity output over the duration of the individual image acquisition.
Cordin gated intensified cameras relay an image through beam splitters to micro-channel plate (MCP) intensifiers. These devices convert the incident photons of the image to an array of electrons, ...
Cordin rotating mirror streak cameras relay a slit image through a rotating mirror to capture a continuous record of one line of image information. This produces the highest temporal and spatial ...
Cordin image converter streak cameras relay a slit image to the photocathode of an image converter tube, where the incident photons are converted to electrons. This linear array of electrons is then ...