How can I determine the parameters of different solar cells?

Solar simulators provide a broadband spectrum close to that of the sun from the UV to the IR. The main part of the solar simulator is a xenon arc lamp that reaches a color temperature of approximately 6000 K which is very close to sun light.

Solar simulators provide a broadband spectrum close to that of the sun from the UV to the IR. The main part of the solar simulator is a xenon arc lamp that reaches a color temperature of approximately 6000 K which is very close to sun light. The main application of our solar simulator systems is the evaluation of power parameters of solar cells. For this type of measurements, the solar simulator is integrated into an IV measuring station. For setting the correct irradiance value we offer calibrated reference cells. Further applications are the determination of plant growth, characterization of transparent components like sun protection glasses or the development of skin care products. The irradiance (W/m²) depends on the size of the desired output beam, the lamp’s electrical power and the layout of the solar simulator’s optic, while the spectral characteristic is always the same. We provide solar simulators with a wide range of illumination fields for different sample sizes and budgets, varying in size from 25 mm dia. to 260 mm x 260 mm square.

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Quantum Design S.A.R.L.

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Bâtiment Fuji Yama
91940 Les Ulis

Phone:+33 1 69 19 49 49