Increase your helium liquefaction rate with brand-new ATL160+

Increase helium liquefaction rate
With our brand-new, lab-scale helium liquefier ATL160+, you can increase your helium liquefaction rate to 30+ liters per day.ATL160+ uses a specially developed cover for the cold head to always liquefy at higher pressure. This increases efficiency and is a nice improvement compared to our well-established ATL160 with an already impressive liquefaction rate of 17 – 22 liters per day.Liquid helium in the ATL160+ system always stays at atmospheric pressure, so it can be transferred at any time.Did you know? Anybody can operate our ATL systems! You don’t need any special experience or skills - which makes them the perfect source of liquid helium for any cryo lab. <link file:4773 _blank download file>Check out our helium recovery brochure for more information


Quantum Design S.A.R.L.

Avenue de l’Atlantique
Bâtiment Fuji Yama
91940 Les Ulis

Phone:+33 1 69 19 49 49