Discover the world of correlative microscopy in our new FusionScope demo lab

We are happy to receive you at our new demo lab here in Pfungstadt. Experience yourself the advantages of FusionScope, our correlative atomic force and scanning electron microscope.
Learn firsthand how FusionScope combines highest precision, versatility and correlative microscopy in just one scientific instrument.
Our experts will be by your side to lead you through the process and help you get the best results out of your samples.
Do you have challenging samples where you want to characterize roughness, mechanical or electrical properties at nanometer precision? Fix an appointment today and discover the world of correlative microscopy.
We look forward to demonstrating how the FusionScope can measure your samples!

More about correlative AFM/SEM Microscopy Platform


Séverine Dubroecq


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Quantum Design S.A.R.L.

Avenue de l’Atlantique
Bâtiment Fuji Yama
91940 Les Ulis

Phone:+33 1 69 19 49 49
Séverine DubroecqProduct Manager
06 77 01 01 94
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