X-ray analytical instrumentation

Sigray, Inc. develops advanced and completely new approaches to x-ray technology that formerly could only be found in synchrotron beamline experimental setups. We are offering a complete range of cutting edge x-ray analytical instruments covering XRF, XAS and XRM/CT applications.

X-ray analytical instrumentation - EclipseXRM – a high-class submicron XRM system
EclipseXRM – a high-class submicron XRM system

The EclipseXRM system offers the highest spatial resolution available on the market (0.3 µm with voxel size of <100 nm) combined with the new unique Tri-Contrast mode. Tri-contrast mode will give you ...

X-ray analytical instrumentation - Apex XCT – ultrafast sub-micron CT for semiconductor applications
Apex XCT – ultrafast sub-micron CT for semiconductor applications

Our partner Sigray developed the Apex XCT-150 to overcome common problems with ct measurements of typical semicon samples like wafers or graphic cards such as long scanning times and image artifacts. ...

X-ray analytical instrumentation - ChromaXRM-500 – submicron CT for life science and polymers
ChromaXRM-500 – submicron CT for life science and polymers

The new ChromaXRM-500 from Sigray was especially designed to fulfill the needs of Life Science and polymer applications as these types of samples will normally show only very limited x-ray contrast. ...

X-ray analytical instrumentation - TriLambda Nano-XRM – 40 nm high resolution x-ray microscope
TriLambda Nano-XRM – 40 nm high resolution x-ray microscope

Tri Lambda ™-40 3D nano x-ray microscope is the highest resolution (40 nm) laboratory x-ray microscope in the world, with the power to image internal nanostructure and optimized performance in a wide ...

X-ray analytical instrumentation - AttoMap™ - µXRF analytical microscope
AttoMap™ - µXRF analytical microscope

The AttoMap™ x-ray analytical microscope offers the highest resolution and the highest sensitivity one can find in a laboratory based microXRF system. The AttoMap™ system can be used for ...

X-ray analytical instrumentation - QuantumLeap - X-Ray absorption spectroscopy system for XAS, XANES und EXAFS
QuantumLeap - X-Ray absorption spectroscopy system for XAS, XANES und EXAFS

Sigray’s QuantumLeap™ brings the long-awaited power of x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS), a synchroton technique for determining electronic structure of elements, to individual laboratories. With ...

X-ray analytical instrumentation - FAAST X-ray source
FAAST X-ray source

The patented FAAST™ microfocus x-ray source (Fine Anode Array Source Technology) is based on a complete new x-ray source design.  The x-ray target is made out of fine metal microstructures that are ...

X-ray analytical instrumentation - X-ray optics
X-ray optics

Sigray is offering dedicated x-ray optics for experiments at a synchrotron beamline or for the work with a laboratory based x-ray system.


Quantum Design SAS

Avenue de l’Atlantique
Bâtiment Fuji Yama
91940 Les Ulis

Phone:+33 1 69 19 49 49