Light sources for scientific applications

We offer a comprehensive line of special light sources for scientific applications both in research and development and in production and quality control (QC). If you would like to discuss your application and receive advice on which light source and accessories are best suited please contact us.

We offer UV to IR light sources from 10 to 1600 W and all the necessary components and accessories to ... 

We offer a comprehensive line of special light sources for scientific applications both in research and development and in production and quality control (QC). If you would like to discuss your application and receive advice on which light source and accessories are best suited please contact us.

We offer UV to IR light sources from 10 to 1600 W and all the necessary components and accessories to put them to work. Whether you need single-wavelength or broadband radiation - Quantum Design has the right light source. We offer small, bright "point sources", large collimated and uniform beams, and most types inbetween. All our light sources are designed for versatility, flexibility and efficiency, providing fast solutions for individual applications.

Light sources for scientific applications - Xenon light sources (Xe)
Xenon light sources (Xe)

Xenon arc light sources have high output power in the UV and VIS range with some lines in the NIR. Their small, very bright arcs have significant advantages when used with condenser optics. They ...

Light sources for scientific applications - Mercury xenon light sources (HgXe)
Mercury xenon light sources (HgXe)

Mercury xenon light sources have high output power in the UV and VIS range with characteristic lines in the UV, VIS and NIR. Their small, very bright arcs have significant advantages when used with ...

Light sources for scientific applications - Mercury light sources (Hg)
Mercury light sources (Hg)

Mercury light sources have high output power in UV and VIS with characteristic lines in this range. The high intensity spectral peaks make them ideal light sources for spectroscopic studies. Because ...

Light sources for scientific applications - Halogen light sources (QTH)
Halogen light sources (QTH)

Quartz Tungsten Halogen (QTH) light sources have high output power in the VIS and NIR range with only low UV content. Because of their stability, filament structure and high color temperature, our ...

Light sources for scientific applications - Deuterium light sources (D2)
Deuterium light sources (D2)

Deuterium lamps provide the lowest wavelength output. A stable molecular deuterium discharge emits radiation through the UV, while VIS and IR are negligible. The silica windows or bulb material ...

Light sources for scientific applications - Light source accessories
Light source accessories

Our optical and mechanical accessories facilitate the delivery of the desired radiation to your sample or additional processing equipment. They allow you to reimage the source or filter, attenuate ...

Light sources for scientific applications - Optical filters for light sources
Optical filters for light sources

To use one or more optical filters is often the simplest way to isolate a small region of the light source spectrum, to remove unwanted spectral bands, or to attenuate the light beam. We offer a wide ...

Light sources for scientific applications - Fiber optic for light sources
Fiber optic for light sources

With the appropriate accessories, our 150 W, 500 W and even 1 KW lamp housings can easily be operated as fiber optic light sources. Hg and Xe arc lamps up to 200 W are preferred sources for UV and ...

Light sources for scientific applications - Tunable monochromatic light sources
Tunable monochromatic light sources

Light source and monochromator Normally, a laser is considered to be the best monochromatic light source. However, lasers are rather expensive and provide only single wavelengths or very small bands. ...

Light sources for scientific applications - Light sources for calibration
Light sources for calibration

We offer two types of light sources for calibration: Pen-Ray line sources for the wavelength calibration of spectroscopic instruments and calibrated irradiance sources covering UV-NIR.

Light sources for scientific applications - Solar simulators
Solar simulators

High pressure Xe arc lamps make excellent artificial sources to simulate sunlight. The high color temperature of the xenon lamps (6050 to 6350 K) is a close match to the solar temperature. This ...


Quantum Design SAS

Avenue de l’Atlantique
Bâtiment Fuji Yama
91940 Les Ulis

Phone:+33 1 69 19 49 49