MSH-150 with variable slits & MSH-150F with fixed slits

The MSH-150 and MSH-150F monochromator systems are high performance and rugged platforms designed for unparalleled wavelength accuracy at all grating angles, very fast wavelength acquisition and zero backlash. They are built in a single casting, providing the highest rigidity and robustness.

Flexible grating options make this monochromator the ideal general purpose unit that covers a wide range of application requirements from UV to IR.

  • Focal length: 150 mm
  • Fully automated
  • USB 2.0 interface
  • 190 nm - 24 μm (grating dependent)
  • Control software and software development kit


MSH 150F with fixed slit
MSH 150 with variable slit
Accessories for monochromators
Diffraction gratings


Ales Jandik
Ales Jandik
Martin Klecka
Martin Klecka

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Quantum Design

Krivoklatska 37
199 00 Praha 9
Czech Republic

Phone:+420 607 014 278
Ales JandikSales Manager
+420 607 014292
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Martin KleckaSales Manager
+420 607 014278
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