Detectors / Electronics

from Bentham

Choosing the right detector and adjusting it to the detector electronics is one of the most important decisions to make when setting up an optical measurement system. From cooled to uncooled photomultiplier tubes over Si or InGaAs detectors to PbS-Si sandwich detectors for broadband applications, we cover a wavelength range from 200 nm to 40 µm. In the extended IR, we also use less common material combinations such as mercury-cadmium-tellurite (MCT) or indium-antimonide (InSb). 

  • Cooled and uncooled
  • USB 2.0 interface
  • 190 nm – 40 µm
  • Control software and software development kit (LabView, VSB, C++, and others)

Further information

All detectors comprise all necessary components for the operation and automation of a high-quality light measurement system. This includes individual and lock-in amplifiers, high-voltage power supplies and fully programmable digitization units with current and voltage inputs.

Complementing these with hardware for thermoelectric cooling or choppers allows for the realization of a great number of applications.  All components are connected via shared control software (SDK).

Each detector comes completely wired and housed ready to be mounted to one of our monochromators. Depending on your requirements, detector electronics are provided either free standing or in a 19" housing case. The detector can also be integrated in a monochromator to realize for example a monolithic spectroradiometer.

Please contact us if you cannot find the detector type you need. We look forward to discussing your particular needs.


Photomultiplier 200 - 900 nm
Si (200 - 1100 nm) and InGaAs (850 - 1700 nm)
PbS (1 - 2.8 µm) and PbSe (1 - 5 µm) TE-cooled
InSb (1 - 5.5 µm)
Mercury-cadmium-tellurite (2 - 12 µm / 8 - 20 µm)
Pyroelectric (1 - 40 µm)

Detection electronics
Preamplifier (AC and DC)
Amplifier with integrated AD converter
High-voltage power supply
Power supply TE cooling


B-DH-PbS-Te lead sulphide detector head
B-DH_3 Multi-alkali photomultiplier
B-DH-Si Photodiode (200-1100 nm)
B-DH_PY_Pyroelectric detector


Stephane Struyve
Stephane Struyve


Quantum Design GmbH

Meerstraat 177
B-1852 Grimbergen

Stephane StruyveSales Manager
+32 495 79 71 75
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