Front view of Hall effect system with cryogenic probe station
Our partner Lake Shore Cryotronics

Hall effect system with cryogenic probe station

Model 8425 from Lake Shore Cryotronics

Model 8425 is a combination of the stand-alone Hall measurement system Model 8400 and the CRX-VF probe station. Wafers up to 2-inch (51 mm) diameter can be hostet for probe investigations. Opposite to the Model 8400 offers the Model 8425 the possibility to measure in vacuum.

  • Resitance range from 0,5 mΩ to 100 GΩ
  • Superconducting magnet for a magnetid field to 2 T and
  • Variable temperature from 10 K to 400 K
  • Cryogenfree design – no need for any cryogenic liquids
  • As with all probe stations – advanced thermal control


DC Hall system model 8425


Stephane Struyve
Stephane Struyve


Quantum Design GmbH

Meerstraat 177
B-1852 Grimbergen

Stephane StruyveSales Manager
+32 495 79 71 75
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