QuantumLeap - X-Ray absorption spectroscopy system for XAS, XANES und EXAFS
from SIGRAYSigray’s QuantumLeap™ brings the long-awaited power of x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS), a synchroton technique for determining electronic structure of elements, to individual laboratories. With QuantumLeap, researchers will now be able to identify and quantify the chemical species of elements of interest.
Further information
Three core new approaches enable the QuantumLeap unprecedented performance:
- x-ray source featuring an innonvative microstructured x-ray target
- proprietary high efficiency x-ray mirror lens
- innovative detector geometry.
With QuantumLeap, researchers will now be able to identify and quantify the chemical species of elements of interest. It pairs a cutting-edge multi-energy x-ray source with state-of-the-art capillary optics and switchable analyzer crystals for high energy resolution and fast acquisition times. QuantumLeap provides access to XANES and EXAFS data without the need for a synchrotron:
- XANES can be provided at sub-eV energy resolution on the range of minutes to an hour
- EXAFS at high throughput in seconds to minutes
- Wide energy coverage range for analysis of a broad range of elements
- MicroXANES at 100 micron spot size
Parameter | Specification |
Dual modes | XANES at sub-eV EXAFS at high throughput |
Energy coverage | up to 2.4 – 20 keV for coverage of the vast major of periodic table |
Resolution | XANES: Down to 0.5 eV at 2.4 keV |
Crystal analyzers | 2 Johansson single crystal analyzers and 1 mosaic crystal. Options for up to 5 crystals |
Source | Sigray high brightness microfocus source |
Target materials | Dual energy of W and Rh (or Mo) to enable removal of spectral contamination from characteristic lines Others on request (source can accommodate up to 4 targets) |
Power | Voltage | Current | 450 W | 20-50 kV |
Mapping | High resolution (100 µm in one direction) and high throughput |
Transmission-mode detector | Spatially resolving photon counting detector |
Fluorescence-mode detector | Silicon drift detector |
+49 6157 80710-12 | |
+49 6157 80710912 | |
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