Our partner Lake Shore Cryotronics environment by Janis

10 K Cryocooler

from Lake Shore Cryotronics

When combined with an automatic temperature controller, Janis closed-cycle systems become powerful tools for studying the properties of materials over a wide range of temperatures. (These pages describe systems with base temperatures from 8 to 15 K.)

  • <9K to 325K (some versions up to 500K)
  • Fastest cooldown to 10K: 50min
  • Cryogen free operation
  • Sample environment: Vacuum or static exchange gas

Further information

When combined with an automatic temperature controller, Janis closed-cycle systems become powerful tools for studying the properties of materials over a wide range of temperatures. (These pages describe systems with base temperatures from 8 to 15 K.
As the name implies, closed-cycle systems recirculate a fixed volume of gas to provide cooling to the sample mounting stages, and no gas is added or removed during operation. Janis CCRs use the Gifford-McMahon thermodynamic cycle, based on the controlled compression and expansion of helium gas. A compressor is used to provide the high-pressure helium gas needed for the cycle.

Flexible metal gas lines deliver the compressed helium gas to the refrigerator and return the low-pressure gas to the compressor for recirculation. The refrigerator includes two cold stages, one for cooling the sample and one for cooling a radiation shield that surrounds the sample.

CCR systems are available in two general configurations: sample in vacuum (cold finger), and sample in exchange gas (top loading). Within these broad categories, models with optical, non-optical, compact, and sub-compact designs are available, some with a temperature range to 475/700 K. Janis also offers systems for specific applications, including Mössbauer spectroscopy, VSM, and Hall effect measurements.

In order to deliver your system as quickly as possible, several optical CCR configurations are available for fast delivery from stock. Our experienced staff of physicists and engineers are also available to assist in custom designing a system to meet virtually any experimental requirement. Complete systems are available including CCR, temperature controller, and vacuum pumping station. Thank you for considering a Janis CCR system—we look forward to becoming your partner in research.


  • Mössbauer spectroscopy
  • VSM
  • Hall Effect Measurements

Available systems:

  • Sample in Vacuum Systems
    • Available with SHI cold heads or CTI cold heads. Optical versions include both standard and high temperature. Compact optical come as standard, subcompact, or rotatable versions. There is also a non-optical version. Compact non-optical versions come in both standard and subcompact.
  • Sample in Exchange Gas
    • Available with SHI cold heads or CTI cold heads. Exchange gas cryocoolers are available in both optical and non-optical versions, with the cooler mounted either above or below the sample chamber.
  • Vibration Isolated
    • Vibration isolated cryocoolers come in standard, UHV, or microscopy configurations.
  • Vibration Sample Magnetometry (VSM)
    • Available with SHI cold heads or CTI cold heads. The 10 K cryocoolers for VSM are sample in exchange gas.
  • Mössbauer Spectroscopy
    • Available with SHI cold heads or CTI cold heads. The 10 K cryocoolers for Mössbauer spectroscopy are sample in exchange gas.
  • Ultra-High Vacuum (UHV) Applications
    • These cryocoolers are available both as non-bakeable closed-cycle refrigerator systems with conflat flanges and UHV-compatible thermometry and wiring or as bakeable closed-cycle refrigerators.


10 K CCR
The Beginner’s Guide to Cryostats and Cryocoolers


François Cassier
François Cassier


Quantum Design S.A.R.L.

Avenue de l’Atlantique
Bâtiment Fuji Yama
91940 Les Ulis

Phone:+33 1 69 19 49 49
François CassierProduct Manager
01 69 19 49 49
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