Our partner Zygo Ametek

Zygo dynamic high resolution Fizeau interferometer

DynaFiz from Zygo

Zygo's DynaFiz interferometer provides dynamic and high-resolution accurate measurements of flat or spherical surfaces, and transmitted wavefront of optical systems and assemblies. Available in 4” and 6” versions, the DynaFiz performes accurate metrology of optics in the presence of air turbulence and extreme vibrations

  • Dynamic acquisition in turbulent air and extreme vibrations
  • Capture live data
  • LivePhase enables real-time Zernike analysis
  • Movie mode captures wavefront changes over time
  • High-power, long-life, frequency-stabilized HeNe laser
  • QPSI vibration-tolerant acquisition

Further information

Its highly optimized internal optical design is made to bring high lateral resolution using 4 different acquisition technics:

  • DynaPhase  = LivePhase calibrated carrier fringes with real-time Zernike analysis)
  • 3D Movie-Mode  = continuous DynaPhase to capture wavefront over the time
  • traditional PSI = phase shifting interferometry with 13 buckets
  • fast QPSI  = shuttered PSI vibration-tolerant interferometry with 30 buckets

Like any Zygo interferometer, DynaFiz can characterize glass or plastic optical components - like flats, lenses, and prisms - and even precision machined metal and ceramic surfaces.

Optical system testing can also benefit from the unique capabilities of the DynaFiz interferometer and its ability to capture live data. LivePhase acquisition provides real-time Zernike feedback for active monitoring of the alignment of an optical system. This capability is the basis for movie mode which combines numerous dynamic images into a movie clip that provides a history of how an optic or system changes over time. Get the most from your metrology investment with the unique capabilities and unmatched versatility of the DynaFiz interferometer.

All characteristics

  • True on-axis Fizeau configuration ensures accurate metrology
  • Optimized internal design to transmit high frequencies
  • Low noise 1200x1200 pixels camera (50 Hz)
    • PSI & QPSI: 500 fringes in the FOV at any zoom
    • DynaPhase: 250 fringes in the FOV at any zoom
  • Fixed 1x magnification
    • Optional 3 positions motorized zoom (1x / 1,7x / 3x)
  • Optional CARS acquisition: Coherent Artefact Suppression and Noise Reduction
  • Zygo MX software
  • Classical PSI technology (13 buckets)
  • Anti-vibration QPSI technology (30 buckets) for production environments
  • DynaPhase technology for dynamic measurements
    • Unique feature with 3D movie-mode that captures wavefront changes over time (only available with DynaFiz)
    • LivePhase enables real-time Zernike analysis
  • Stabilized long-life proprietary laser with industry-leading reliability
  • Wired and wireless remote control
  • Available in 4” & 6” mainframes


Dynamic acquisition

Dynamic acquisition in turbulent air and extreme vibrations is possible with the Dynafiz.

Real-time Zernike analysis

LivePhase acquisition provides real-time Zernike feedback for active monitoring of the alignment of an optical system.

Movie mode

The movie mode combines numerous dynamic images into a movie clip that provides a history of how an optic or system changes over time


DynaFiz specifications


DynaPhase® Dynamic Acquisition


Lionel Sudrie
Lionel Sudrie


Quantum Design S.A.R.L.

Avenue de l’Atlantique
Bâtiment Fuji Yama
91940 Les Ulis

Phone:+33 1 69 19 49 49
Lionel SudrieManaging Director
01 69 19 49 49
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