Product Training – finally live again!

After a long break due to the Corona pandemic, the product training finally took place again in April on our premises in Darmstadt. The last trainings, where we could exchange news, the latest products and even private things with all employees of our European offices, unfortunately took place exclusively online during the last 3 years. Despite the possibility of virtual exchange, it was a great feeling for all of us to finally see everyone live again and to be able to talk to each other in person.
During the individual sessions and the dinner afterwards, we were able to talk animatedly, clarify open questions, coordinate and plan upcoming projects or inform ourselves about new products. It was just great to finally be in direct contact with each other again after such a long time.
All in all, the product training was a great experience that not only provided us with new knowledge, but also strengthened our bond with each other. We are already looking forward to the next training.


Simone Heck
Simone Heck
Stephane Struyve
Stephane Struyve


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Quantum Design GmbH

Meerstraat 177
B-1852 Grimbergen

Simone HeckMarketing - Spectrum
+49 6157 80710-453
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Stephane StruyveSales Manager
+32 495 79 71 75
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