The new dual-wavelength MicroWriter – Optical nano/micro-photolithography for high demands

Our supplier DMO introduces the dual-wavelength option, a customized system aimed at lithography labs that work both with UV varnishes as well as with g-line and h-line coatings. Each of the four systems in the MicroWriter 3 family, i.e. Baby, Baby Plus, Mesa and the flagship, which is the MicroWriter 3 Pro, can now be equipped with two different wavelengths. Users can choose between photodiodes with 365 nm, 385 nm or 405 nm-wavelength. The corresponding wavelength for each writing process is simply selected via the software. No changes need to be made to the hardware.

In conjunction with the MicroWriter's multi-sample function, this is an extremely powerful approach designed to facilitate working with differing user demands. Thus, the MicroWriter can be equipped with a wide variety of samples and each individual sample can be assigned its own writing process.
This allows several time-consuming writing processes to be carried out fully automatically with-out any user interaction, e.g. over the weekend.
The dual-wavelength option can also be retrofitted as an upgrade for all MicroWriter models of the 3rd generation.

More about photo lithography systems


Stephane Struyve
Stephane Struyve


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Quantum Design GmbH

Meerstraat 177
B-1852 Grimbergen

Stephane StruyveSales Manager
+32 495 79 71 75
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