Wireless light measurement technology – Great versatility for individual tasks

Light has a variety of effects at different wavelengths. Light measurement systems correctly measure the relevant parts of light; for example when assessing the optical radiation risk in the workplace, in medical science or when controlling the quality of light sources. Use the great versatility of our measurement heads in combination with matching filters and optics for your individual measurement tasks.

With its new radiometer ILT1000, International Light Technologies (ILT) has developed a measurement system that allows logging events and data for diagnosis and service applications. All acquired data can either be filed in temporary storage or directly be read out online. Connecting accu packs to the USB port allows long-term measurements at any location. When using a hub, up to 32 systems can be used simultaneously.

Simple, text-based and customizable API software provides communication between the ILT1000 and the customer’s application.

ILT1000 is compatible with all ILT filters and entrance optics. It is capable of measuring over 6 decades and allows direct readout of the photometric and radiometric data.

ILT1000: 4 different standard versions
ILT1320 UVGaN diode
200 - 320 nm


GaAs diode
250 - 675 nm


Si diode
200 - 1100 nm
ILT1007 iRInGaAs diode
770 - 1400 nm

With ILT5000, International Light Technologies presents an enhanced version of the highly successful ILT1700. It boasts faster measurements up to 100 Hz, a 10-decade dynamic range (100 pA to 1 mA), wireless communication, internal data storage and a 4 - 20 mA output.

All ILT1700 detectors can be connected to the ILT5000 and are ready to be used by simply entering the appropriate calibration factor.

The new DataLight II software comes with a LabVIEW DLL and 5 versions of software: CLI, BAR, TREND, DATALOG, and METERS. The text-based API software can also be customized.


Stephane Struyve
Stephane Struyve


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Quantum Design GmbH

Meerstraat 177
B-1852 Grimbergen

Stephane StruyveSales Manager
+32 495 79 71 75
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