Our partner Oxford Instruments Andor

Cooled InGaAs sCMOS camera

C-RED series for 0.9 µm to 2.2 µm from Oxford Instruments Andor

C-RED 2 is a revolutionary ultra high speed low noise Short Wave Infrared camera, able to run at 600 fps with less than 30 electrons readout noise. To achieve this performance, C-RED 2 integrates a 640 x 512 InGaAs PIN Photodiode detector with 15 μm pixel pitch for high resolution, which embeds an electronic shutter with integration pulses shorter than 5 μs.

C-RED 2 offers dark optimization for long exposure times up to 60 seconds and High Dynamic Range: 93 dB and true 16 bits. Designed for high-end low light SWIR applications, C-RED 2 offers new opportunities for science, research and industry.

  • 640 x 512 InGaAs sensor
  • SWIR 0.9 - 1.7 μm
  • 15 μm pixel pitch
  • 70% QE, wavelength from 0.9 to 1.7 μm
  • Up to 600 fps full frame


Cooled InGaAs sCMOS camera for 0.9 µm to 2.2 µm



C-RED 2 Extended Range

Spectral Range

0.9 to 1.7 µm

1.1 to 1.9 µm / 1.3 to 2.2 µm


640 x 512

640 x 512

Pixel Size

15 µm

15 µm



-40°C / -55°C

Quantum Efficiency



Dark Current

<600 e-/p/s

11 ke-/p/s or 110 ke-/p/s

Read Noise

<30 e-

<50 e- / <40 e-

Dynamic Range

46667:1 (HDR)

30000:1 / 37500:1


USB3.1 and CameraLink

USB3.1 or CameraLink

Frame Rate at Full Resolution

602 fps

602 fps



Laser profile analysis

Hyperspectral imaging


Semiconductor defects

Wavefront sensing


Optics communication


Ales Jandik
Ales Jandik
Martin Klecka
Martin Klecka


Quantum Design

Krivoklatska 37
199 00 Praha 9
Czech Republic

Phone:+420 607 014 278
Ales JandikSales Manager
+420 607 014292
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Martin KleckaSales Manager
+420 607 014278
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