Quantum Design Microscopy – The new development team in Darmstadt for correlative microscopy in the nano world
Hello everyone – we are the new ones! Quantum Design Microscopy is a newly formed research and development group in Darmstadt, Germany. Our focus lies on the development of correlative microscopic methods.
Everything started with GETec Microscopy in the beautiful city of Vienna in 2011. As a start-up company, GETec developed an in-situ atomic force microscope (AFSEM) for the easy integration in high-vacuum environments of scanning electron microscopes (SEM). This tool provides the complementary information gained by two of the most powerful microscopic methods and thus gives unique inisghts into the micro and nano worlds.
In 2018, GETec was acquired by Quantum Design, and in 2020, the Quantum Design Microscopy (QD-M) group was founded in Darmstadt. The QD-M group is the first Quantum Design R&D group outside the company headquarters in San Diego. We have a fully equipped mechanics and electronics laboratory including state-of-the-art demonstration facilities.
Under the leadership of Chris Schwalb, we we work on exciting topics which arise from the field of correlative microscopy. This includes a broad scope of activities.
One focus is the realization of novel applications as well as applications for in-situ atomic force microscopy. We concentrate on the developments of new electric, magnetic and thermal measurement methods. In close contact with our customers and partners from industry and science, we implement current trends and demands.
In addition, we are in close collaboration with the San Diego development team to provide innovative and powerful solutions in the field of correlative microscopy to our customers. The applications cover a wide range from simple correlative topography measurements (e. g. the radius of razor blades) to the characterization of electric properties of semiconductor devices.
Our QD Microscpy team in Darmstadt:
We would be happy to talk about the options and advantages of correlative SEM/AFM analysis for your application. Do not hesitate to contact us!
Please visit our website and LinkedIn page for further information on us and our scope of activities in correlative microscopy. We look forward to getting in touch!