Our partner Sigray

ChromaXRM-500 – submicron CT for life science and polymers


The new ChromaXRM-500 from Sigray was especially designed to fulfill the needs of Life Science and polymer applications as these types of samples will normally show only very limited x-ray contrast. The ChromaXRM-500 features a new patented multi-color x-ray source which can improve the throughput by 10x due to a very high contrast.

  • Highest absorption contrast laboratory x-ray microscope
  • Submicron spatial resolution (<300 nm voxel size, 500 nm spatial resolution)
  • Up to 5 detectors in a single system
  • Small footprint

Further information

The ChromaXRM-500 is using Sigray´s patented x-ray mulri-color source. The source can be fitted with 5x different targets and offers a very broad energy range and one can use the target that offers the most contrast for the sample’s material leading to a 10x higher throughput.

X-rays are generally considered too energetic for Life Science (e.g. soft tissue) or offer only a limited absorption contrast for polymer samples. They are on the other hand sometimes the only choice if you want to get a high-resolution 3D image of your sample without destroying it totally. The ChromaXRM-500 with its 5x user selectable target materials offers now the possibility to optimize the x-ray spectrum for each application and maximize contrast as well as throughput.

Each target has its own individual energy peak and wavelength comparable to the concept of color in the optical range. The color blue for example has a wavelength of 450nm while red is around 750nm. Comparable to this has a Chromium target its energy peak at 5.41 keV or 2.3 Å while Copper is at 8.05keV or 1.55 Å. Samples of different compositions and sizes are optimized when the illuminating x-ray is of the correct color. Contrast and throughput can be maximized by >10X. Other XRM and microCT products on the market only offer an x-ray source with a Tungsten target, which offers good penetration but poor contrast on many challenging samples.


  Parameter Specification
Overall Spatial Resolution 0.5 um with 40X objective
Minimum Voxel 275 nm
Source Type Sigray patented ultrahigh brightness sealed microfocus source
Voltage 20 - 60 kVp
Power 100W
Target(s) Up to 5 targets.
Includes selection from Cr, Cu, Rh, W, Mo, Au, Ti, Ag.
Others available upon request.
Detector(s) Type Up to 5 detectors. Includes LFOV detectors and high resolution detectors.
Camera 4MP deep cooled CCD
Visible Light Camera 16MP alignment camera
Software Command and Control Sigray 3D with Intuitive interface
Reconstruction GigaRecon - fastest commercial CBCT reconstruction software
Offset Scans Expands the horizontal FOV. Sigray software advantage
Helical Scan Enabled for tall samples
AutoPilot AI-assisted microscope operation for unsupervised acquisition
Linux Workstation Interface is on a Windows workstation, while a separate robust Linux workstation controls the system. Advantageous for reliable 24-7 operation.
EPICS Open-source software controls for maximum flexibility
Dimensions Footprint Desktop system
250 kg
Sample Size 50 x 50 mm diameter


Life Science- unstained liver cells

Carbon fibers



AppNote Montage imaging of large fields of fiew


Nicolas Tcherbak
Nicolas Tcherbak

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Quantum Design SAS

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01 69 19 49 49
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