Our partner BioNavis

Semi-automatic multi-parametric surface plasmon resonance system

MP-SPR Navi 200 OTSO from BioNavis

MP-SPR Navi 200 OTSO is the core measurement unit in the BioNavis product range. Choose SPR Navi 200 OTSO, if you want to connect multi-parametric surface plasmon resonance (MP-SPR) to other measurement instruments or if you want to start with a light version of MP-SPR and upgrade it later on with BioNavis' range of stand-alone accessories.

  • 2 fluidic channels
  • Manual sample injection
  • Open design enables convenient access to the easily removable flow cell, as well as to tubing, pump, and injection valve.
  • Wide range of surfaces available
  • Upgradable into MP-SPR 210A VASA (autosampler)


Drug discovery
New materials and coatings
Process optimization of thin film manufacturing
Biosensors and rapid testing methods
Self cleaning surfaces
Environmental safety



Thin film measurement using MP-SPR Navi 200 OTSO


Jean-Paul Gaston
Jean-Paul Gaston


Quantum Design SAS

Avenue de l’Atlantique
Bâtiment Fuji Yama
91940 Les Ulis

Phone:+33 1 69 19 49 49
Jean-Paul GastonProduct Manager Woollam Spectroscopic Ellipsometer - Zahner Potentiostats - MP-SPR BioNavis
01 69 19 49 49
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