AC-Susceptometer DynoMag – updated list of publications now available

The AC susceptibility determines the magnetic properties of a sample as function of the frequency of an electromagnetic “excitation wave. This is why AC susceptibility also includes information on the sample dynamics. The DynoMag susceptometer measures over an outstanding frequency range of 1 Hz to 500 kHz. It is manufactured by our Swedish partner Ri.Se (formerly Acreo). 

DynoMag is rugged, compact and easy to use. An installation is not required. Due to its small price, the system is perfectly suited for beginners and occasional users. 

Please ask us for a quotation. Typical applications include the characterization of magnetic nanoparticles (MNP), the analysis of the binding of biomolecules to MNP, nano rheology and the measurement of special soil samples in geophysics. 

Please contact us for a list of publications which are based on DynoMag data.


Nicolas Tcherbak
Nicolas Tcherbak


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01 69 19 49 49
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