23. September 2024  - 26. September 2024 Parma, Italy

ESREF 2024

35th European Symposium on Reliability of Electron Devices, Failure Physics and Analysis

Quantum Design Italy, together whit our partner IfraTec, will attend ESREF 2024, the 35th European Symposium on Reliability of Electron Devices, Failure Physics and Analysis.

This International Symposium is focused on the latest research developments and future directions in failure analysis, quality and reliability of materials, devices and circuits for microelectronics and optoelectronics, power, space, and automotive electronics. It historically provides an European forum to develop all aspects of reliability, including management and advanced failure analysis techniques for present and emerging semiconductor applications. 

Step by our booth, where you can see the thermography automated high-end testing system E-LIT from InfraTec, that allows non-contact defect inspection on semiconductor materials, electronic components, and electronic circuits.

We will also be happy to discuss our complete range of instruments for failure analysis on semiconductors, like the XRM, XAS, XRF and XADA systems from Sigray and the Fusionscope, the AFM-SEM-EDS correlative microscopy platform from Quantum Design.

Ing. Alessandro Baratti
Ing. Alessandro Baratti
Dr. Simone Paziani
Dr. Simone Paziani
Event website ESREF 2024 website


Quantum Design GmbH

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H-1038 Budapest

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