Laser assembly station – Now with new options

Brand new options enable even faster data acquisition and an even higher resolution. A new optics module is also available which provides further wavelength ranges: VIS (520 nm and 660 nm), MWIR (4 µm) and LWIR (10 µm).
The new detector unit features a measurement range five times as large as before so that optics with a wedge of up to 0.5° can be measured between the optical surfaces.
Data acquisition during a measurement is now fully automated. After reading the relevant information of the optic, for example from a Zemax file, the system performs the measurement independently.
With the optical encoder of the vertical z-stage, a measurement option has been realized that determines the curvature radius with an accuracy of 0.05 % - 0.5 % for focal lengths of 3 mm to 300 mm.
More about optical lens alignment and measurement stations for precision optics