The Zygo Portable Profiler by Zygo Corp. in Middlefield/USA and Darmstadt/Germany, is a portable white light interferometer perfectly suitable to measure the 3D topography of large optical parts with polished or ground surfaces. The vertical resolution is smaller 0.1 nm, the repeatability of the RMS is smaller 0.05 nm. Thanks to its asymmetric shape, the profiler can also make measurements near the samples’ edges. Its construction allows the use of all standard Zygo microscopic objectives with magnifications from 2.75x to 100x. An integrated focusing aid helps with the adjustment. The system is controlled via the brand-new, easy-to-use measurement software MxTM, which allows intuitive measurement navigation and precise 3D imaging of the surface topography. All measurement results comply with ISO/DIS standard 25178. With SureScan™ technology, the system works accurately even in unfavorable vibration environments.

Zygo Corporation and ZygoLOT
Zygo Corporation develops, manufactures and installs optical measurement instrumentation and precision optics around the globe.
Users can be found in the optical and semiconductor industries, in biomedical technology, the sciences and a range of other industrial fields.
Throughout Europe, the Zygo measurement systems are sold and serviced by ZygoLOT GmbH in Darmstadt, Germany.