Andor Technology’s highly popular and successful Czerny-Turner spectrograph family Shamrock has a new member: the “little” Shamrock 193i.

Shamrock 193i features:
- 193 mm focal length
- Fast F/3.6 aperture
- Very high spectral resolution (0.14 nm with 1200 l/mm grating)
- Automatic focus (active focus technology)
- Astigmatism-corrected optical imaging
- Outstanding multi-track and imaging properties
- Motorized dual grating turret
- Quick and easy turret exchange by RFID technology
- Choice of one or two detector output ports
- Silver-coated mirrors and gratings for high sensitivity in the NIR and SWIR
- Compact and robust design
- Comprehensive accessories
- USB interface
- Comes preset and spectrally calibrated
- Compatible with all Andor CCD, EMCCD, ICCD and InGaAs detectors for measurements from the VUV to the NIR/SWIR
- Connection facilities for microscopes
- Intuitive control with Andor’s spectroscopy software Solis
- Compatible with proprietary programs with software development kits for Windows, Linux or Matlab
- Integration in µManager software
Shamrock 193i is a perfect addition to the motorized Shamrock spectrographs 303i, 500i and 750. Despite its short focal length of only 193 mm, it features an excellent spectral resolution of 0.14 nm (1200 l/mm grating, 13.5 µm pixel sensor) perfectly suitable for a variety of spectroscopic applications. With an aperture of F/3.6, Shamrock 193i is faster and more sensitive than its bigger brothers. With a motorized dual grating turret, connection facilities for two detectors and a vast amount of accessories, Shamrock 193i is a highly flexible and powerful spectrograph for both everyday routine measurements and sophisticated scientific fundamental research in areas like
- Fluorescence and luminescence spectroscopy
- Raman spectroscopy
- Plasma spectroscopy and laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS)
- Time-resolved spectroscopy
- Micro-spectroscopy
- Absorption, transmission and reflectance spectroscopy
We believe that the Shamrock 193i will soon become a popular spectroscopy solution for all looking for an outstanding price/performance ratio.