Raman Webinars

Spettroscopia Raman a basse temperature e Imaging Raman correlativo

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Grande successo per i webinar sul Raman delle scorse settimana, con quasi 200 iscritti!

Il primo era incentrato sulla Spettroscopia Raman a basse temperature, organizzato in collaborazione con il nostro partner Montana Instruments.

Il secondo era incentrato sull’Imaging Raman Correlativo, organizzato insieme al nostro partner WITec.

Di seguito le descrizioni del Webinar e i link per accedere ai video:

Win the Quantum Materials Race: Extract New Information (Quickly) with Temperature-Dependent Raman and Photoluminescence

Raman micro-spectroscopy is used to characterize a variety of properties, including chemical, magnetic, electronic, symmetry, and layer orientation in 2D materials. Many interesting phenomena emerge across the 4K-500K temperature range, and new information about a sample can be obtained with temperature dependent measurements. We demonstrate efficient hyperspectral mapping of 2D materials with a micro-Raman spectroscopy and photoluminescence platform that maintains high spatial resolution and collection efficiency across the entire temperature range (4K – 500K). The system overcomes challenges associated with variable temperature sample drift by incorporating a low thermal mass sample stage, in-vacuum high NA objective, and coupling optics to a low astigmatism, broadband spectrograph.
Tailoring 2D semiconductor heterostructures with specific bandgaps is a key aspect of leveraging new quantum materials for electronics and optoelectronics. The basic heterostructure assembly principle is simple: exfoliate, for example, a monolayer of MoS2, put it on top of another mono- or few- layer crystal, c.a. WS2, add another 2D crystal, and so on. The resulting heterostructure represents an artificial material assembled in a specified sequence with single layer precision, held together by van der Waals forces.


The Analytical Power of Correlative Raman Imaging: New Developments, Tools and Applications

Confocal Raman imaging is a powerful, versatile and increasingly common microscopy technique, capable of quickly identifying the molecules in a sample and visualizing their physical distribution three-dimensionally. This nondestructive and label-free chemical imaging method has enormous potential for researchers in many fields of application.

This webinar will introduce the fundamental principles of Raman microscopy and it will detail the associated hardware and software. Our speakers will describe several of its variations providing relevant application examples. Correlative microscopy will then be introduced, and details of Raman-AFM and Raman-SEM (RISE) microscopy solutions will be presented.

During this webinar the speakers will address:

  • What Raman microscopy is, along with an introduction to its operational principles and hardware considerations.
  • Possibilities and new tools for Raman investigations including several application examples from various fields
  • How correlative microscopy can provide a more complete understanding of a sample than techniques in isolation.
Dr. Simone Paziani
Dr. Simone Paziani
Dr. Stefano Pergolini
Dr. Stefano Pergolini


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