Photobiological safety spectroradiometer

IDR300-PSL from Bentham

Photobiological safety testing to international standards require a measurement capability spanning the 200-3000nm spectral wide range in consideration of six hazards to the skin and eye. The IDR300-PSL spectroradiometer facilitates the required series of measurements of spectral irradiance and spectral radiance whilst ensuring full compliance with the recommended measurement instrumentation.

With full hardware automation and full measurement guidance, calculation and report generation, the IDR300-PSL is at the heart of photobiological safety testing in accreditation and light source manufacturer's laboratories throughout the world.

  • Double monochromator-based spectroradiometer (200-3000nm)
  • Irradiance : Precision transmission diffuser coupled to IDR300 with 1m long quartz fibre bundle
  • Radiance : Direct view telescope permitting measurement from 200mm to 10m in key 1.7, 5 and 11mrad FOVs. Coupled to IDR300 with 1m long quartz fibre bundle.
  • Photometric detector with virtual luxmeter operation for determination of illuminance (500 lx, dthr)
  • Quartz halogen and deuterium irradiance standards, supplied with calibration traceable to PTB, Germany
  • Quartz halogen, integrating sphere-based radiance standard, supplied with calibration traceable to PTB, Germany

Maggiori informazioni

Test and certification companies and lamp and luminaire manufacturers can now evaluate the photobiological safety of lamps and lamp systems easier, faster and with greater accuracy than ever before.

Core benefits

  • Assess all product types, from UV through to IR
  • Includes full measurement guidance, calculation and report generation
  • Quality of measurements assured via NMI calibration standards traceable to PTB
  • Fully compliant to instrumentation recommendation of international standards

Reported parameters

  • Spectral irradiance
  • Spatially averaged spectral radiance
  • (Apparent) Source size and location
  • Risk group classification
  • Labelling requirements
  • Threshold illuminance, Ethr
  • Threshold distance, dthr




IDR300 double monochromator including integrated picoammeter and high voltage supply

Monochromator configuration

Symmetric, Czerny-Turner

Monochromator focal length

600mm (200-1100nm, double mode)
300mm (1100-3000nm, single mode)

Stray light rejection at 2.5 FWHM (single)


Stray light rejection at 2.5 FWHM (double)



Software controlled motorised slit

Number of gratings

3 (Turret 1)
2 (Turret 2)


0.075nm (2400g/mm)
0.3nm (1200g/mm)
0.9nm (400g/mm, single mode)


0.675nm (2400g/mm)
1.35nm/mm (1200g/mm)
8.1nm/mm (400g/mm)

Wavelength accuracy

± 0.05nm (2400g/mm)
± 0.1nm (1200g/mm)
± 0.6nm (400g/mm)

Detectors (200-1400nm)

Multi-alkali photomultiplier
Silicon and InGaAs photodiodes

Detectors (1000-3000nm)

PbS photodiode

Signal recovery (200-1400nm)

2 dual-channel picoammeters

Signal recovery (1000-3000nm)

Pre-amplifier followed by lock-in amplifier

Irradiance entrance optic (200-1100nm)

Cosine corrected transmission diffuser, 1m quartz fibre bundle

Irradiance entrance optic (1000-3000nm)

Integrating sphere followed by CaF2 relay optic

Radiance entrance optic

Direct view telescope permitting measurement from 200mm to 10m in key 1.7, 5 and 11mrad FOVs. Coupled to IDR300 with 1m long quartz fibre bundle

Spectral irradiance standards

Quartz halogen and deuterium irradiance standards, supplied with calibration traceable to PTB, Germany

Spectral radiance standard

Quartz halogen, integrating sphere-based radiance standard, supplied with calibration traceable to PTB, Germany

Beam profiler

CMOS based beam profiler to determine (apparent) source size and location

Illuminance meter

Photometric detector with virtual luxmeter

System requirements

Bench space

1 x 0.5 m not including working space for computer and source under test


B-IDR300-PSI Spectroradiometer system
Photobiological testing of lamps


Ing. Fabrizio Renzi
Ing. Fabrizio Renzi

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Quantum Design s.r.l.

Via Francesco Sapori, 27
00143 Roma

Telefono:+39 06 5004204
Fax:+39 06 5010389
Ing. Fabrizio RenziSales Engineer
+39 06 5004204
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