Solar simulator characterisation

SolarSim150 from Bentham

Solar simulators are widely used in photostability testing of a range of products, accurate knowledge of the irradiance at the sample plane is key to the success of your study. The SolarSim150, comprising a precision cosine diffuser and double 150mm focal length monochromator spectroradiometer ensures the most accurate determination of spectral irradiance across the UV-vis range.

  • Precision transmission cosine diffuser and flexible fibre bundle light collection
  • Side-view entrance optic ensures reaching correct measurement plane
  • Choice of UV or UV-vis configurations tailored to your application
  • Alignment-free calibration standards ensure your link to national metrology institutes

Maggiori informazioni

Core benefits

  • High accuracy specroradiometry in just a few steps
  • Side-view entrance optic ensures reaching correct measurement plane
  • Choice of UV or UV-vis configurations tailored to your application
  • Alignment-free calibration standards ensure your link to national metrology institutes


Entrance optic

Entrance optic type

BenFlect precision transmission diffuser (in-line or right angle configuration)

Aperture diameter





Randomised pure fused silica fibre bundle, from 0.5m long


Monochromator Type

Compact double monochromator, additive dispersion. Czerny-Turner mount.


150mm (each unit)


Fixed, interchangeable


Grating pair, kinematically mounted, 33x33mm

Stray light rejection at 10x FWHM from peak


Detector and detection system

Detector type

S20 photocathode end window photomultiplier tube

Detector High Voltage

-750V (adjustable)

Detector response range


Detector dark current (typ.)


Picoammeter current range

Sub 1pA to 100µA

Picoammeter ADC resolution

> 14 ½ bit

Picoammeter ADC integration time




USB 2.0

Software control

BenWin+ Windows application

Operating System

From Windows 7

Minimum HD/ RAM required

100MB/ 256 MB

Overall dimensions

Approx. 395L x 315W x 250H (mm)


Mains input 110/220V 50/60Hz

Calibration standard (200-300nm)

Lamp type

Deuterium lamp

Nominal lamp power and voltage

30W, 100 V

Operating current

300mA DC

Expected lifetime


Power Supply

PSU_706 deuterium lamp supply

Calibration type and wavelength range

Spectral irraidance at 5.5mm from plane of front face, 200-400nm (2nm steps)

Calibration traceability

Physicalish Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB, Germany)

Calibration standard (250-800nm)

Lamp type

Halogen lamp

Nominal lamp power and voltage

150W, 24 V

Operating current

6.300 A DC

Expected lifetime


Power Supply

PSU_610 current stabilised lamp power supply

Calibration type and wavelength range

Spectral irradiance at 5.5mm from plane of front face, 250-800nm (5nm steps)

Calibration traceability

Physicalish Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB, Germany)


  • OECD 316 - Phototransformation of Chemicals in Water – Direct Photolysis
  • ISO 24443 - Determination of sunscreen UVA photoprotection in vitro
  • ISO 24444 - Cosmetics -- Sun protection test methods -- In vivo determination of the sun protection factor (SPF)
  • ISO 105-B02 - Textiles -- Tests for colour fastness -- Part B02: Colour fastness to artificial light: Xenon arc fading lamp test
  • ISO 105-B04 - Textiles -- Tests for colour fastness -- Part B04: Colour fastness to artificial weathering: Xenon arc fading lamp test


Ing. Fabrizio Renzi
Ing. Fabrizio Renzi


Quantum Design s.r.l.

Via Francesco Sapori, 27
00143 Roma

Telefono:+39 06 5004204
Fax:+39 06 5010389
Ing. Fabrizio RenziSales Engineer
+39 06 5004204
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