ADVACAM has made further technical developments to its X-ray detectors. In addition to an almost doubled frame rate of 99 Hz, the Minipix SPRINTER offers a significantly higher energy resolution of 0.4 keV (at 8 keV X-ray energy). ADVACAM is the only commercial supplier of integrated Timepix2 sensors. In applications such as X-ray absorption spectroscopy, the high energy resolution enables the differentiation of materials that were previously difficult to analyze.



The camera introduces some previously unavailable and entirely new imaging modes:

  • Full-frame modes with an extremely wide dynamic range - (SNR up to 2000, suitable, for example, for X-ray radiography with very high contrast)
  • Energy discrimination in frame modes (thresholding)
  • High frame rate of up to 99 frames per second
  • Fully spectral modes: The energy of each detected particle is measured
  • Particle tracking: Monitoring the composition of radiation and dosimetry (particle type, energy, direction)
  • Compact design, plug-and-play, USB 2.0

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Quantum Design GmbH

ul. Sztygarska 12/3
41-500 Chorzow

Phone:+48 32 2482048
Mobile:+48 515 166893