Hyperspectral cameras

Hyperspectral imaging combines high-resolution spectroscopy with digital imaging. A spectral camera images a line of an object and provides the spectral information of each pixel of that line in the second dimension of the detector. A movement of the object or of the spectral camera allows the acquisition of very sensitive and spectrally resolved images. Corresponding software displays a 3D ... 

Hyperspectral imaging combines high-resolution spectroscopy with digital imaging. A spectral camera images a line of an object and provides the spectral information of each pixel of that line in the second dimension of the detector. A movement of the object or of the spectral camera allows the acquisition of very sensitive and spectrally resolved images. Corresponding software displays a 3D spectral cube of an object or displays spectral information of moving objects.

A hyperspectral camera set-up includes optics, an imaging spectrograph, a camera displaying the spectral information and a software package to display and calculate the results.

Our spectral cameras cover the full spectral range using CCD and CMOS detectors in the VIS and VIS/NIR range, InGaAs cameras in the near IR, MCT detectors in the shortwave IR  and InSb and microbolometers for hyperspectral imaging in the thermal IR.

Hyperspectral cameras can be used directly in laboratory or process control applications or they can be integrated in complete imaging systems for pharmacy, food production or geology. Some are also built in airborne systems and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).

The all-in-one hyperspectral imaging system SpecimIQ is a highlight of current developments.

Hyperspectral cameras - VisNIR compact camera
VisNIR compact camera

The cost-effective, compact FX10 camera works in the spectral range 400 nm to 1000 nm. It uses fast optics for high light throughput, high sensitivity, short integration times and a high ...

Hyperspectral cameras - VisNIR High-speed camera
VisNIR High-speed camera

FX10+ is dedicated for high speed hyperspectral imaging in the VisNIR spectral range running with full frame rate of 705 fps. FX10+ uses Specim’s fast optics for high light throughput, high ...

Hyperspectral cameras - NIR compact camera
NIR compact camera

FX17 is a hyperspectral camera for the spectral range 900 nm to 1700 nm. It uses an InGaAs detector with a high spatial resolution of 640 pixels. FX17 is equipped with an F/1.7 Specim lens. It boasts ...

Hyperspectral cameras - NIR Online camera
NIR Online camera

Specim GX17 has a high-speed push-broom hyperspectral camera in use. The GX17 identifies objects invisible to the human eye on conveyors and free-fall systems moving at high speed. It is a powerful ...

Hyperspectral cameras - SWIR spectral camera
SWIR spectral camera

SPECIM has launched a fast hyperspectral camera in the shortwave infrared range (SWIR 1000 - 2500 nm). The camera uses a new and unique high-resolution detector with 384 spatial pixels. It achieves a ...

Hyperspectral cameras - MWIR spectral camera
MWIR spectral camera

The FX50 MWIR spectral camera integrates a high-speed, high-resolution cooled MCT sensor with a high transmissive imaging spectrograph. The camera offers a high frame rate of 377 frames per second. ...

Hyperspectral cameras - LWIR spectral camera
LWIR spectral camera

Hyperspectral imaging in the longwave infrared (LWIR) band offers new ways to identify and quantify even more materials based on their characteristic spectral signatures. Thermal LWIR spectral imaging ...


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