AFSEM nano – The world's most versatile in-situ AFM for correlated analyses in your SEM

AFSEM nano is the logical advancement of the innovative AFSEM concept. The newly developed measuring head is lighter, more compact and more powerful. It allows the easy integration into existing SEM or FIB systems. AFSEM combines two of the microscopy methods with the highest resolution - SEM and AFM, and thus provides completely new insights into the micro and nano worlds.

The complementary strengths of both methods enable users to perform in-situ characterizations of mechanical, electrical or magnetic properties of SEM samples with nanometer accuracy without needing to eject the sample from vacuum. In addition, AFSEM nano can also be combined with add-ons such as nano-indenters, tensile testers or nano-manipulators.
Thanks to its compact design, AFSEM nano can be integrated into almost all commercial SEM systems, thus expanding the possibilities for correlated analysis on a large variety of samples.

More about AFSEM - correlative AFM and SEM



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