Furnace for crystal fabrication

Furnace for crystal fabrication - 1.5 kW and 2 kW laser furnace for the production of long single crystals
1.5 kW and 2 kW laser furnace for the production of long single crystals

The 1.5 kW and 2 kW laser furnace for single crystal fabrication is based on a design and developed in close cooperation with the RIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science under the leadership of ...

Furnace for crystal fabrication - 2 mirror infrared single crystal furnace
2 mirror infrared single crystal furnace

This 2 mirror infrared (IR) furnace provides an easy way to grow single crystals in your laboratory. It uses the floating zone method to produce crystals up to 10 cm length. Precursor is a ...

Furnace for crystal fabrication - Arc single crystal furnace
Arc single crystal furnace

In the Tetra Arc Furnace, high-melting-point material is melted by four electric arcs discharged in inert Argon gas. The single crystal is grown using the Czochralski method.

Furnace for crystal fabrication - s-Laue Single Crystal Orientation System
s-Laue Single Crystal Orientation System

The s-Laue single crystal orientation system is a benchtop size tool, that saves space in your lab as it combines all components like an X-ray generator, a cooling system, a Laue camera, a sample ...


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