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Themen in dieser Ausgabe

About us

Introducing: Dr. Sebastian Schaile

For about a year now, I have been working as physicist for the Quantum Design European Service Center at LOT-QuantumDesign in Darmstadt.



Agile Temperature Stage – No drift from 4 K to 350 K

Does your low temperature application require precise positioning and thermal stability?


Cryostation C2 – Low-vibration measurements at low temperatures

Cryostation C2 is the perfect tool for low-temperature measurements of vibration-sensitive quantum systems.


FTIR-spectroscopy at low temperatures: Cool samples – most accurate measurements

The lower the sample temperature, the sharper the absorption bands.

This holds true for many spectroscopic applications.


Electron microscopy

Watching carbon layer growth at elevated temperatures in real time

More and more, the so-called “bottom-up” me­thod is used in the manufacturing of electronic and optical components. This means, functional materials…



New iKon-XL CCD-camera with up to 110 million pixels

Andor Technology have launched a new series of low-noise, deep-cooled CCD-cameras: iKon-XL.


Materials science

New AC-susceptometer – Välkommen DynoMag!

The compact system is easy to use. It features a wide frequency range, outstanding sensitivity and can be used for measurements on solid, liquid or…


Happy 100th! PPMS DynaCool

We are happy to say that Quantum Design have delivered the 100th PPMS DynaCool this year. An unbelievable success!


Nano impact testing – The quick way to analyze erosion behavior of thermal barrier coatings

Originally developed for material im­pact strength testing on the nano scale, this innovative measurement method is now mainly used in the…


MicroWriter - laser lithography system

MicroWriter is a flexible photolithography machine designed for rapid prototyping and small-volume manufacturing in R&D laboratories and small clean…


European PPMS DynaCool workshops – A great success

In June of this year we successfully held our established PPMS DynaCool workshops.


Application note: Size distribution analysis of influenza virus particles using the CPS disc centrifuge

By Michael M. Pieler and Michael Wolff, Otto-von-Gue­ricke-Universi­tät, Mag­de­burg

Large efforts are being undertaken to optimize current…



Tunable VariSpec filter covers a variety of spectral ranges

Are you looking for information on our tunable imaging filter VariSpec for a great number of spectral ranges?


Sophisticated UV filters – our “high potentials”

We offer highly transmissive, powerful UV filters with long-term stability.


Zygo – Verifire XL Fizeau-Interferometer for large flat surfaces

The Verifire XL interferometer is a stand-alone workstation designed for simplistic and reliable metrology of large flat surfaces up to twelve inches…



Temperature controller for Woollam ellipsometer

In the era of thin film technology, material and film properties have to be seen as temperature-dependent. Especially, since many materials show…


NMR relaxometry – Easy determination of oil and fat contents in foodstuffs

Have you ever wondered how the fat content of potato chips, chocolate and cheese can be determined? A wide-spread method is the so-called Soxhlet…


Discrimination of urinary infections using hyperspectral analysis

Because of their widespread diffusion and impact on human health, early identification of pathogens responsible for urinary tract infections (UTI) is…



Quantum Design GmbH

Breitwieserweg 9
64319 Pfungstadt

Telefon:+49 6157 80710-0
Fax:+49 6157 80710920