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Themen in dieser Ausgabe

About us

Headquarters Pfungstadt: Progress is being made

For a long time it felt like nothing was happening on our construction site for the new headquarters in Pfungstadt.


May I introduce myself?

Hello, my name is Simon Wittner and since 2017 I am responsible for the product range of sample preparation for electron microscopy such as sputter…



Recirculating cryocooler for "wet" cryostats

The recirculating cryocooler from Janis release “wet” cryostats from their dependency on liquid helium.


Vibrations in OptiCool – A Closer Look

OptiCool is an optical cryostat by Quantum Design, with superconducting magnets and closed helium circuit.



Chemical analysis of materials with high atomic numbers (Z) with our laboratory XAS system

X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) is a powerful method for studying chemical states and the coordinated environments of selected elements.


Marana-X-11 – Larger Sensor for EUV and Soft X-Ray Applications

Andor Technologies expands its portfolio with an uncoated, back-illuminated sCMOS camera for the soft X-ray range.


New High Power X-Ray Sources for XRF and Imaging Applications

The HPC high power tubes are designed to be used in XRF and imaging applications. As "targets", tungsten and molybdenum are available.


Life Science

Factors Influencing the Stability of the QCM-D Baseline

Baseline stability is very important for obtaining high-quality and reproducible QCM-D data and measuring them with high-sensitivity.


Materials science

New Enhanced Scratch Test Module for the NanoTest Vantage Platform 5

MicroMaterials has revised and significantly enhanced the scratch and wear option of the NanoTest Vantage Indenter for Platform 5.


The Lock-In Amplifier – NOT a Closed Book

The lock-in amplifier was developed in 1941, and has ever since undisputedly occupied a very important place when it comes to sensitive electrical…


MicroWriter – Our Direct-Writing Lithography System with Clever Features

High resolution and fast writing - these are the typical requirements for a direct-writing photolithography system.


Strain Tuning in 2D Materials – Nature

Various material properties, e.g. the Curie temperature, can be influenced by stretching and compressing the materials.


Microwriter at the UPVfab in Valencia

To complete the lithography line of its microfabrication facility UPVfab, the Spanish University "Universitat Politècnica de València" has acquired a…



Autonomous vehicles – Optical filters for LiDAR applications

LiDAR is a sensing method that detects objects and maps their distances by sending an optical pulse at 905 nm or 1550 nm to the target and measuring…


Web Portal for Inquiries for Andover Bandpass Filters

Andover offers a wide range of standard bandpass filters. To make it easier for you to select the right filter, we have set up a web portal.


The Sun in the Light of the Hα Hydrogen Line

The sun is our star in the daytime sky and, in addition to supplying us with light, heat and life, it also provides us with a number of spectacular…



Spectroscopy with Fast Repetition Rates

Photosynthesis in plants is the subject of intensive research. The absorption of light and its conversion into energy takes place in accordance with…



Quantum Design GmbH

Breitwieserweg 9
64319 Pfungstadt

Telefon:+49 6157 80710-0