Helium recovery news

The current political situation in and around the State of Qatar has caused helium supply shortages all over the world. An article published in nature suggests a simple and well-known solution – helium recycling[1].

Visit our brand new microsite for first ideas, background information and general know how on the recycling of helium:<link https: heliumliquefier.com external-link-new-window> heliumliquefier.com. Find in-depth information on helium liquefaction, the setup of a recovery plant and or basic facts on helium itself.Liquid helium is also something we work with at LOT.  We have just installed a basic but highly efficient medium-pressure recovery system. It collects and stores helium from an aged but running SQUID magnetometer. Up to now we have maintained nearly all of the used helium (recovery rate > 90 %). We will be able to use the SQUID without any further purchase of liquid helium. Minor losses are recovered from gas cylinders. We not only offer laboratory-sized helium ATL liquefiers like the ATL160+ with liquefaction rates of > 30 L/d, but also provide the necessary engineering knowledge to set up all required recovery components and infrastructure. Parameters that have to be taken into consideration are for example number and type(s) of cryostats, yearly LHe consumption, location, and many more. Whatever your cryogenic lab requirements are, use an ATL recovery system to keep your cryostat running 24/7 while staying independent of the worldwide liquid helium supply. <link record:tx_lotproducts_domain_model_product:1 internal-link>More Information about ATL you will get here
 <link https: www.nature.com news helium-should-be-recycled-1.22244 external-link-new-window> [1]www.nature.com/news/helium-should-be-recycled-1.22244


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