AFSEM nano – Correlative AFM- & SEM analysis now in Stanford

As kind of an early Christmas present, our AFSEM nano system was installed at the University of Stanford in the beginning of December.
Prof. Dr. Fritz Prinz and his group for nanoscale prototyping work on fundamental issues around energy conversion and storage in the nanoscale range. By integrating the AFSEM nano into their Thermo Fisher Scientific Teneo-SEM, the possibilities for material characterization have greatly increased. The focus of their planned research is the analysis of new semiconductor components by correlative AFM and SEM measurements.  AFSEM nano provides information on the 3D-topography and mechanic, electric and magnetic properties of nanostructures - all inside the SEM.
In addition, AFSEM nano can be combined with their own Kleindiek nanoprobing platform, which applies a current to the components so they can be analyzed during operation. The scientists of Stanford University hope that these new measuring possibilities open up new developments in energy storage.

AFSEM nano

Quantum Design’s AFSEM nano is the logical development of the innovative AFSEM concept. The compact meausuring head allows easy integration in consisting SEM and FIB systems and combines the complimentary advantages of both microscopy methods.
This gives brand-new insights into the micro and nano worlds and allows users in situ characterization of mechanic, electric or magnetic properties with nanometer precision.
We look forward to discussing with you the options and advantages of correlative SEM/AFM analysis for your application.

Please visit us at our Website or on LinkedIn.


Dr. Chris Schwalb
Dr. Chris Schwalb


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Phone:+49 6157 80710-0
Dr. Chris SchwalbCOO at QD Microscopy GmbH
+49 6157 80710-661
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