Our partner Lake Shore Cryotronics

Hall probes for gaussmeters and teslameters

From Lake Shore Cryotronics

Axial, transverse, multi-axis, gamma, and tangential Hall probes are offered for the measurement of magnetic flux density. You can choose from a wide range of lengths and thicknesses. There are also probes available for cryogenic applications.

  • 3-axis (vector), transverse, and axial models
  • Handheld and fixture-mountable versions
  • Unique designed probes

Further information

All available Hall probes are either compatible with the new generation of gaussmeters, systems F41 and F71, or the old generation of teslameters, models 475 and 425. Hall probes of the FP series are compatible with the F41 and F71 Hall measurement systems while Hall probes of the 400 series are compatible with teslameter models 475 and 425. See below a table of the stocked probes and their major specifications.

400 series Hall probes - based on InAs - compatible with models 475 and 425

Sensor orientation

Frequency range

Stem material

Probe part number

Axial orientation

DC to 400 Hz



Axial orientation

DC to 800 Hz



Axial orientation

DC to 10kHz



Axial orientation

DC to 20kHz



Transversal orientation

DC to 400Hz



Transversal orientation

DC to 800 Hz



Transversal orientation

DC to 800 Hz



Transversal orientation

DC to 20kHz



FP series Hall probes - based on 2DexTM - compatible with models F41 and F71

Sensor orientation

Frequency range

Stem material

Probe part number

Axial orientation

DC to 10kHz



Transversal orientation

DC to 10kHz




DC to 10kHz



The probes can be differentiated by their detecting geometry, which is either axial, transversal or 3-axis (FP series only).

Transverse probes, most often rectangular in shape, measure fields normal to their stem width. They are useful for most general-purpose field measurements and are essential for working in magnet gaps. We offer several stem lengths and thicknesses as standard probes.

Axial probes, usually round, measure fields normal to their end. They can also be used for general-purpose measurements but are mostly used to measure fields produced by solenoids. We offer several stem lengths and diameters as standard probes.

The design of 3-axis probes is like that of the transverse probes. However, they deliver full vector field measurements in all three axes.

Aluminum as stem material is the best choice for DC and low-frequency AC measurements. Non-ferrous metals are used for probe stems, because they provide the best protection for the delicate Hall effect sensor without altering the measured field. However, metal stems have one drawback: they create eddy currents when placed in AC fields. These eddy currents oppose the field and cause measurement errors. Non-metallic fiberglass stems are used for higher frequency AC fields and for measuring pulse fields. Though this means less protection for the sensor, eddy currents are avoided so the frequency range of these probes is not limited.

We offer different Hall probe designs including:

  • Axial, transversal and 3-axis orientation
  • Stems from aluminum, fiberglass, flexible PCB and stainless steel
  • Probes for cryogenic applications
  • Various stem lengths (5 cm, 15 cm, 30 cm and 150 cm)
  • Handheld and mountable probes


FP Series Hall Probes

  • Compatible with gaussmeters F41 and F71
  • Wide field range
  • 2Dex™ sensors with tiny active area
  • built-in temperature and linearity (field) compensation
  • Versatile handle and stem options
  • active area and polarity indicators
  • Application-specific probe customization available

400 Series Hall Probes

  • Compatible with teslameter models 475 and 425
  • Flexible probe configurations
  • Several sensor types available
  • Field levels from earth field to very large electromagnets
  • Application-specific probe customization available


400 series Hall Probes
Teslameters and FP series Hall probes


François Cassier
François Cassier


Quantum Design S.A.R.L.

Avenue de l’Atlantique
Bâtiment Fuji Yama
91940 Les Ulis

Phone:+33 1 69 19 49 49
François CassierProduct Manager Cryogenics: measure and control, cryostats and probe stations. Lake Shore Cryotronics products
01 69 19 49 49
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