18. octobre 2022  - 20. octobre 2022 Frankfurt, Germany / Hall8, booth C110

Optatec 2022

We will present the following products: Optical filters and polarizers from UV to IR, X-Ray sources and windows, light measurement and modular optical spectroscopy equipment. We are happy to meet you in Frankfurt in hall 8, booth C110.

Michael Foos
Michael Foos
Uwe Schmidt
Uwe Schmidt
Jörg Tobisch
Jörg Tobisch
Site de l'événement https://www.optatec-messe.de/


Quantum Design S.A.R.L.

Avenue de l’Atlantique
Bâtiment Fuji Yama
91940 Les Ulis

Tél. :01 69 19 49 49
Email :franceqd-europe.com