The CryoAdvance – The next generation of the Cryostation optical cryostat

For ten years now, the Cryostation from our partner Montana Instruments (MI) has been the first choice for sensitive optical measurements.
The system combines a base temperature of 3.2 K with 5 nm vibrations (peak-to-peak) in a closed-helium cycle. The cryostat can be mounted directly on the optical table, as the cold head is vibration isolated against both the table and sample chamber. MI have now launched the next generation of Cryostations: The CryoAdvance series. These systems feature improved embedded electronics.
External control options have been expanded: Control via REST API, examples for MATLAB, LabVIEW and Python now are included in the system. Temperature controller and vacuum system are accommodated in a convenient 19" rack to save space in the labs that are often small.
The high mechanical stability and the low base temperature make the CryoAdvance an ideal tool for quantum transport measurements and applications with similarly high demands. Even with heat loads from positioners and feedthroughs, the temperature still remains well below 4 K, which is a critical threshold for many experiments.

  • Temperature range: 3.2 K - 350 K
  • Vibrations: 5 nm (peak-to-peak)
  • Cooling: Closed helium cycle

More about optical cryostats


Elodie Ponsard
Elodie Ponsard


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01 69 19 49 49
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