Notre partenaire Specim

Caméra spectrale LWIR

L'imagerie hyperspectrale dans la bande infrarouge à ondes longues (LWIR) offre de nouveaux moyens d'identifier et de quantifier encore plus de matériaux sur la base de leurs signatures spectrales caractéristiques. L'imagerie spectrale thermique LWIR couvre la gamme 8 - 12 µm et est largement utilisée pour analyser les produits chimiques, les gaz, les minéraux ou les radiations atmosphériques. Specim est le premier fabricant à avoir développé des appareils à balai pour l'imagerie hyperspectrale dans le LWIR. Ils utilisent de tout nouveaux spectromètres d'imagerie avec des optiques réflectives et réfractives.

  • Bande spectrale : 8-12 µm
  • Détecteur refroidi ou non refroidi
  • Haute résolution spectrale et spatiale
  • Conception robuste et compacte
  • Haute sensibilité

Plus d'informations

Specim’s LWIR spectral cameras allow measurements under laboratory conditions where illumination is required and line illumination is the best possible choice. Two different LWIR spectral camera detector types are offered: the compact model HS based on uncooled microbolometer technology and the high-performance cooled model C.

The innovative Specim LWIR cameras combine high quality with easy handling especially in regards to illumination.  We use a specially designed imaging spectrograph and dedicated optics to offer high transmission while minimizing optical aberrations.

Camera model HS covers the full LWIR wavelength range of 8 - 12 µm. It uses the integration of our spectrograph design with an uncooled microbolometer-based detector. Its spatial resolution is 384 pixels; spectral data is collected in 30 bands and with a spectral resolution of 400 nm. Spectral sampling is 150 nm per band. The acquisition speed is 60 Hz.

Camera model C is used for hyperspectral imaging in the full range from 8 to 12 µm. The highly sensitive camera is based on a cooled longwave MCT detector. The optics are cooled to support highest stability over time, especially during long acquisition runs. The camera offers a spatial resolution of 384 bands and a spectral resolution of as good as 100 nm. Spectral sampling is 48 nm per band. The camera runs with a frame rate of up to 100 frames per second.


Chemical imaging
Environmental research


FX120 LWIR hyperspectral camera


Introducing Specim FX120 - Thermal Push-broom Hyperspectral Camera for the Full LWIR range


Gauthier Caby
Gauthier Caby


Quantum Design S.A.R.L.

Avenue de l’Atlantique
Bâtiment Fuji Yama
91940 Les Ulis

Tél. :01 69 19 49 49
Gauthier CabyIngénieur Technico-Commercial
01 69 19 49 49
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