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Microscope Raman économique

RamMics M532

Le microscope Raman RamMics M532 intègre les possibilités de l'analyseur Raman EnSpectr R532 Scientific Edition et du microscope Olympus CX-41 adapté à la fois aux mesures de transmission et de réflexion.

  • Mesures de haute précision de composés hétérogènes et de petits objets
  • Modes de mesure de la réflexion et de la transmission
  • Positionnement de l'échantillon et mise au point avec l'appareil photo numérique
  • Cartographie 2D (facultatif)

Plus d'informations

Wide functionality of RamMics M532 allows distinguishing particles of 2-3 µm size and differentiating them from ones with other chemical and physical properties, which opens multiple research opportunities within one Raman system.      

Excellent spatial resolution of 1µm, spectral resolution 4-6 cm-1 and a high efficiency (up to 7000 counts/s/mW from silicon plate) provide precise quality of measurements and repeatability. Due to its compact design and portability, RamMics M532 ensures high quality in-situ results with the minimum expenses, and proves to be a truly indispensable tool for various applications and researches.                                   

Equipped with a motorized sample stage with a step from 0,36 µm (option), RamMics M532 turns into the world’s most cost-effective micro-Raman system for automatic 2D mapping.


Semiconductor & solar industry
Food & agriculture industry
Pharmaceutical industry
Geology and mineralogy
Environmental science
Chemical processes
Medical diagnosis
Forensic analysis


Raman Microscope RamMics M532


Gauthier Caby
Gauthier Caby


Quantum Design S.A.R.L.

1 avenue de l’Atlantique
Bâtiment Mac Kinley
91940 Les Ulis

Tél. :01 69 19 49 49
Email :franceqd-europe.com
Gauthier CabyIngénieur Technico-Commercial
01 69 19 49 49
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