Germany's first PPMS-16 is located in Dresden

Our coolest research system is surrounded by a beautiful baroque environment!

The first PPMS-16 in Germany

Since February 2021, the Leibniz Institute IFW in Dresden features a brand new Physical Property Management System PPMS-16. The PPMS-16 has a powerful superconducting magnet and can generate fields of up to 16 Tesla. For comparison: The magnetic field in Central Europe has approx. 5x10-7 Tesla, and the strongest solenoids produce fields in the range of 3 Tesla. In contrast to the widely used PPMS-9, only few PPMS-16 systems have been installed worldwide to date; most of them in China and the USA. We are proud that the IFW has bought the first PPMS-16 in Germany. The IFW uses the PPMS-16 for finding, exploring and understanding potential applications for new materials that exhibit magnetic phase transitions or magnetic interactions.
It will also help analyze materials whose properties make them respond in a special way to magnetic fields, such as superconductors or novel "quantum materials." For this purpose, magnetic measurements are performed, and electrical transport, thermal transport and thermodynamic properties are measured.

About the IFW

At the Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research (IFW) in Dresden, scientists and engineers work hand in hand. Together, they investigate the physical and chemical properties of materials that are considered for novel applications. Thus, at the IFW many different disciplines come together: experimental physics, theoretical solid state physics, chemistry, materials science and electrical engineering. The IFW is a legally independent, non-university research institute and a member of the Leibniz Association.

About the PPMS

Quantum Design's Physical Property Measurement System PPMS is a unique, open-architecture laboratory instrument with a variable temperature range for performing a variety of automated measurements. In terms of hardware and electronics, the available measurement options include everything that is needed to obtain meaningful and publishable data. The new PPMS enables the measurement of samples in strong magnetic fields and a temperature range of 1.9 - 400 K.

More about systems to measure physical properties


Dr. Simone Paziani
Dr. Simone Paziani


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